Squash Urbano Colombia welcomes volunteers!

The success of our program depends on the generosity of volunteers like you.

Volunteers provide immense benefit to our student-athletes through court-time, tutoring, English conversation practice, mentoring, and more. If you are interested in supporting SUC in its mission to provide life-changing opportunities, please contact us to plan your visit.

Volunteer Testimonials

“The kids’ enthusiasm, dedication, and love was contagious, and watching their
squash and English improve over our time in Cartagena was very rewarding.”

Annie Blasberg

Dartmouth College, Class of 2020

“My squash-playing son and I had an amazing time visiting Squash Urbano Colombia in Cartagena.  The smiles on the kids’ faces made the trip worth it a hundred times over!”

Nick Burgin

Board Member, City Squash, Bronxville, New York

“Squash Urbano is a truly unique program that serves kids who are motivated in a way that I’d never seen… and the gratitude of the players was really incredible. My son loved being with these eager students and it was a real eye-opener for him in terms of squash, language and Colombian life.”

Christina Ohly Evans 

Writer, Financial Times, New York City

“Volunteering at SUC would be an extraordinary experience for American high school or college students or even adults with an interest in playing and teaching squash, improving their Spanish, and giving a fantastic group of kids with a lot of talent but few prospects the chance of a lifetime.”

Andrew Heyward

Former President, CBS News, New York City

Harvard Squash Volunteers at SUC