SEA programs operate in four countries across three continents. We follow an ‘inch wide, mile deep’ approach to youth programming and strive to have a transformative impact on the lives of our participants. Our programs combine squash with academics, mentoring, community service, and college placement. Our intensive, year-round programming, which takes places after school, on the weekends and in the summer, engages students until they finish their schooling and beyond.


Intensive academic and athletic programming year-round

For our 50 team members, SUC is an intensive year-round commitment, beginning as early as elementary school and continuing through university graduation. Six days a week, SUC team members engage in three hours of squash practice, English class, and academic sessions. Team members also participate in field trips, enrichment workshops, and community service events. Many have traveled to tournaments throughout Colombia and around the world.


Recruiting hardworking, committed students

Our student selection process begins at the start of each school year and concludes in December. Because of the intensity of our year-round programming, we select hardworking, committed students who are eager to make the most of the SUC experience. Selections are based on a variety of factors, including effort, attendance rate, parental commitment, teacher references, athletic ability, character, and attitude.